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Teaching Thursdays

10 Summer Garden Activities

Girl Laying in Meadow Among Flowers, Looking at Blue Sky with Clouds

Some of my best summer memories are of being out in the garden with my family. Below are 10 of our favorite ways to get out in the garden together and have some fun. There is something for everyone.

1. Grow Seeds – Germination is a miracle of nature that is fascinating for adults and children. Plant a variety of seeds and track the growth to compare how fast and tall different types of seeds grow. A few easy starters:
Vegetables – Beans, Radishes, Squash and Watermelon
Flowers – Zinnias, Sunflowers, Marigolds and Nasturtiums

2. Plant an Herb Garden – Even the pickiest eater can’t turn down food when they were involved in growing it. Summer isn’t a great time for veggie gardens, you’ll have to wait for fall for that, but you can plant herbs like Rosemary, Basil, and Mint to spice up all of your best recipes.

3. Plant a Garden for Butterflies – Kids love to chase butterflies and watch the miraculous life cycle. Plant Milkweed for monarch caterpillars and Salvia or Pentas to feed adult butterflies of all types. How many different butterflies can you identify in your garden?

4. Wiggly Worms – Gardeners jump for joy when they find earthworms in the soil. Go on a worm roundup in your own garden. Give everyone a shovel and see who can find the most. To really see what a worm does, fill a jar with veggie scraps from the kitchen table and a little soil. Sit back and watch how an earthworm turns them into rich compost.

5. Play the game Sit, Spot – Sit in your garden together and pick one spot to stare at for at least one minute. Quietly sit and stare at that one spot and then take turns describing to each other what you observed. The longer you look the more amazing nature you will find.

6. Go on a Bug Hunt – How many different insects can you identify in your garden? Armed with a critter cage (which can be as simple as an old Tupperware container with a ventilated top), collect and identify as many insects as you can. Turn it into some summer science by figuring out what each bug does and whether they are good for the garden or not.

7. Plant Flowers – Everyone loves instant gratification. Plant some summer flowers and you will immediately beautify a space. Better yet, give everyone their own little garden plot and let them choose the flowers. They get to plant and care for them. The garden can be a great place to learn responsibility and pride of ownership.

8. Plant Miniature Gardens – Air plants, terrariums, and miniature container gardens are popular ways to garden on a smaller scale. Choose a wide shallow container and plant with small foliage or cactus. Spark the artist within by using a child’s toy in each garden creation. Miniature cars, toy soldiers, and plastic farm animals all make great centerpieces in a newly planted terrarium.

9. Create Your Own Flower – The flower world needs your creativity. Have everyone pick flowers from around the yard and then arrange them in a stack to come up with a new creation. Your new flower’s name will be made up with part of each flower’s original name. One of our creations: Pen-vio-dai-verb-ardia. Say that five times fast.

10. Don’t forget to take photos of everyone together in the garden and share them with friends and family. These moments will be treasured for years to come. Make it even more fun and let the kids get behind the camera. You never know what a child’s eye will capture.

Done together, these will create memories that your family will cherish.

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