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Teaching Thursdays

3 Flowering Trees That Pollinators Love

Bees on Red Cluster Bottlebrush Tree, flowering tree
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Three flowering trees that pollinators love:

1. Poinciana: We’ve stocked the Royal Poinciana, but this is the dwarf variety, both are stunning when in full bloom, which is late spring/summer. A year or so ago, we captured pollinators having a feast on these delicate-looking blooms, it was truly magical.

2. Glaucous Cassia, a.k.a. Scrambled Egg Tree: It gets this common name since the fluffy yellow blooms resemble the breakfast dish. Blooms late spring throughout summer. And we tried to film this big ol’ pollinator, it’s a female carpenter bee. 

3. Red Cluster Bottlebrush Tree: Certainly a favorite for the bees, these dense blooms feature hundreds of flower spikes, making it easy for bees to jump from one to the next while feeding.

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