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Teaching Thursdays

Keep Your Poinsettias Perky with Proper Watering

Red Poinsettias
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The best way to keep your Poinsettias happy all season long? Proper watering.

The Poinsettia bracts, which are the colorful sections on the plant, are sensitive to water and don’t like getting wet. If water droplets stay on the bracts for an extended period of time, they can form black spots and rot. Lift up the foliage and water just the soil. 

As for when to water, Poinsettias don’t like sitting wet, especially this time of year when they’re technically in their dormant period. Once the first inch or two of soil is dry, water until it drains from the pot. Remove any excess from the saucer or decorative foil.

And come early spring, remove the bracts and plant in full sun with well-draining soil. Yes, you read that correctly! Poinsettias are technically perennials in our grow zone and can thrive well beyond the holiday season. Just pinch back growth several times during the summer to maintain a bushy look.

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